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Date Posted:29 June 2020
As restrictions ease and Australians slowly return to a semblance of a normal life, many athletes are ready to go straight back to where they left off on their workouts and get their health and fitness back on track. While many may have some sort of workout equipment at home and access to fitness training classes online, these simulated workouts do not compare with exercises that require specialised equipment and heavyweights found in the gym.
Naturally, when you haven’t been exercising, you lose muscle mass. Although a German study1 suggests that “time spent without resistance training (RT) may not lead as much deterioration as many would guess”, for competitive athletes, losing muscle mass is lamentable thus will no doubt urge them to jump straight back into high-speed running or agility training and make themselves vulnerable to injury.
Epidemiological studies of sports-related injuries show that there is a high risk of causing injury when people suddenly increase the amount or intensity of their workouts after months of gym hiatus. Physios, exercise experts and physicians, thus, urged Sports clubs, gyms and fitness centres to ensure athletes and gym members are advised to ease slowly into their exercise routines and gradually rev up the workouts.
Morgan Sports fully supports the expert advice of physios for athletes to have a carefully planned return-to-training to help prevent common injuries to hips/groins, knees, ankles and hamstrings.
Here are some steps to take to ease your way back into regular workout routines safely:
It is best to approach returning to exercise with the advice of professionals. Depending on the community restrictions, physiotherapists and exercise experts can now offer telehealth consultations and distanced workouts.
However, if you did not follow all the reminders above and simply rushed right in and picked things up where you left off causing few muscle pains to yourself here and there, a quality recovery equipment is just what you need to ease a nagging muscle knot.
Morgan Sports sells mobility and recovery equipment such as resistance band loops, massage balls, kinesiology muscle tapes, compression bands and foam rollers to help you recover and get you back to pre-lockdown exercise levels. We offer gyms, fitness centres, and sports clubs direct wholesale pricing to ensure the best deal for your members. Morgan Sports is a direct B2B wholesaler and will never sell to your clients directly.